A short story about me

My name is Tim Wessels and I like to build websites and applications. I mostly do it for someone, but I also like to experiment with things I'm not really familiar with yet. If I start experimenting, I look how I can give a website or application just that little thing why visitors like to come back to the website or application.

If you like to get to know what I made in the past, you can go to my projects to look what I already made. When you press on one of the projects, you go to that project so you can see it even better. That way you can decide if you want me to build something for you or not.

If you like to contact me, you can go to the contactpage. When you fill in the form on that page, I will contact you as soon as possible.

The programming languages I mostly use are: HTML, CSS, WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, C# and .net core.

Recent projects
